OpenPetra 2014.12 Alpha

Enhancements in this release:

Finance module

  • Improved Gift Entry workflow with pre-defined settings
  • Gift import of whole batches or transactions for existing batches only. Import from clipboard now available
  • GL import of whole batches or transactions only. Import from clipboard now available
  • Fixes to Month End and Year End
  • Improved handling of reversals

Partner module

  • New: Contact Log Tab. Ability to track who was contacted by whom at what occasion
  • New: Contact Details Tab. This gives you more flexibility in saving contact details independently from a physical address. We are currently changing related reports to reflect the new structure.

Client/Server communication

  • The old .Net remoting solution has been replaced by modern web services. This means you can use standard and state-of-the-art SSL encryption to secure your communication between the OpenPetra clients with the OpenPetra server.


  • with this release, we introduce plugins. With the new web services, it is now much easier to add new functionality without having to programmatically embed all functionality into the core of OpenPetra. You can find some plugins already in the repository at GitHub:


  • now the standalone is actually a single application, not anymore a server and client software. This makes it easier to run on laptops and user workstations: no more error messages and questions for permission from the firewall!
  • You can download the Windows installer for the standalone version at Sourceforge: OpenPetraSetup-2014.12.0.0.exe

Web-browser based client

  • There is an experimental client available, that allows users to use OpenPetra within their Web browser. Have a look at

Hosted demo available

Updated demo databases

  • We have updated the demo databases, and they are available at Sourceforge. The financial years are now uptodate again, and the demo databases include the new partner contact categories and types!

Bugs and Issues


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