How to help each other

You are a user of OpenPetra and you have a problem?

First of all, please have a look at the user manuals.

If you cannot find a solution there, have a look in the forum and check if someone else had the same or a similar problem.

If you are the first to discover a bug, or you cannot figure out how OpenPetra can do what you need it to do, then you should post your issue in the forum.

IMPORTANT: Please be aware when posting on the forum that everybody in the world can read it. So you must not post any data or passwords from your OpenPetra installation, and when you post error messages or screenshots, make sure that no personalised data is visible.

Please note that all people in the forum will help you voluntarily. Therefore treat them nicely, and don’t expect miracles from them… If you need professional support, please find a service provider that can provide you with competent advice and support at reasonable prices.

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